Thursday, May 19, 2011


Amy Starke has offered to take berry orders through the West Salem Rotary club once again this season.  All berries are washed and unsweetened.  Make your selection from the following options.

·      18-lb case of sliced strawberries (packaged in six individual 3-lb. containers)
        $35.00 per case       
·      30-lb container of sliced strawberries
        $40.00 per can
·      15-lb container of raspberries
        $40.00 per can
·      15-lb container of marionberries
        $30.00 per can
·      14-lb container of blueberries
        $35.00 per can

Delivery & pick-up information:
·      Strawberries:  Wednesday June 8th
·      Raspberries:  Thursday June 30th
·      Marionberries:  Thursday July 14th
·     Blueberries:  Thursday July 21st
      We will send out an email for exact pickup time and location as we approach these dates.

If you are interested in ordering any of these berries please email Amy Starke at

Orders and payments must be received by this Sunday May 22ndChecks are to be written to West Salem Rotary.  We apologize for the short notice, but are happy to offer this quick and easy way to get berries for your jams, jellies, and winter smoothies.

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