Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It is TIME to Plant your Garden

It may just be the one tomato plant or it could be an entire produce display that you choose to grow this season, but whatever the case may be the time is now.

After attending the Stake Garden Fair a few short weeks ago I learned in one class that any day after Mother's Day is the time to plant your garden to avoid any frost problems.  The suggested fertilizer for growing a garden is either 18 18 18 or 20 20 20.  I suggest that there are important steps in planting a garden.  First do it.  Second water it.  Third weed it.  and Fourth feed it.  Sounds easy doesn't it.

Keep it simple if you are a beginner.  Go big if you are an expert.  If you are new to this, just try it.

The sister who taught our garden class was a wealth a knowledge.  She assured me that if anyone had more gardening questions that we would contact her for help.  Her name is Ginny Cotter (541) 401-9236 and her email is cotterginny@gmail.com.  Just let her know you are from the stake and as Ginny says, "I will give you an earful!"

Happy Planting!

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